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E-Learning → Intermediate

Who Has to Claim UC? The Triggers (EL24004)

This interactive and fun E-Learning course is all about who has to claim Universal Credit.

Many people believe any change in their circumstances will mean they have to claim UC - but this is not always the case.
Because many claimants are worse off on UC, you need to make sure you are providing accurate advice. Especially because there is almost always no going back!

If you take this course you will be better equipped to spot whether someone's only option is to claim UC or whether they have other options.

This course has been designed for and is aimed at those learners who need to have an awareness of who has to claim Universal Credit - and who has options.

Aimed at: Housing professionals, and advisers working with benefit claimants.

Level: Intermediate
Length: Allow 90 mins
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

"Best UC E-Learning I've done - really relevant information about who has to claim UC presented in an engaging way."
  • Who Has to Claim UC: The Triggers
  • Feedback Survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever